how did 3 weeks fly past without me noticing??? ...
well, lots has happened here and I've mainly been very distracted with a very poorly pooch... who after developing pyometra, ended up having an op on Friday & is now wearing a 'cone of gloom' as she refuses to keep the comfy soft swim/donut ring collar thing on!!!..silly dog... but she's on the mend again now so I can breathe a sigh of relief!
anyway, in between looking after my beloved furbaby, I did do a little bit of work & saw it all come together today when it was finally the day we re-did the shop window at my friends shop :D
& it seemed only right with the upcoming Jubilee event to set it out to celebrate the event, and go a little over the top in good old fashioned Britishness!
starting with flags & bunting
I made all the bunting by trying to stick to the 'make do & mend'
ethos, whilst trying to make it all look vintage-y and got lucky by only having to buy a small amount of distressed union jack fabric which
went a long way! The hessian and checked material were both leftover
from other projects and the denim was recycled from jeans (that after
losing 2 stone) I never want to be able to fit into again!
My friend is a stockist of 'Sewing World' magazine and so we decided it would be nice to try and make some of the little projects that we'd seen in the recent mags, the pincushion cakes were of course a 'must do'.... I just wish I'd managed to find the time to make cloth Tea-cups too as that would have looked so cute!
we dressed up the shops mannequin 'Pat'
made some pvc shopping bags, shoved my cushions in for good luck,
and put my old 50's utility Jones machine in with as many vintage notions as we could find!
and put my old 50's utility Jones machine in with as many vintage notions as we could find!
we then sat down with a cuppa and made (what seemed like) miles of old fashioned style paper chains to decorate the inside of the shop and felt quite nostalgic & very pleased with it all when we'd finished.
Is anyone else out there in Blogland planning or doing anything to celebrate the Jubilee? if so I'd love to hear about it.

Hi Wendy, Can`t seem to access your email, so am writing to say we look foward to you popping into Dotty Dolly some time! Loving the bunting!